Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Dia da Espiga - Wheat Ear Day

Wheat Ear Day

Wheat Ear Day is celebrated on a Thursday devoted to Jesus Rise to Heaven and hasn’t got a fixed date. This year, this popular tradition takes place on 13th May. As we have the Holy Pope in Portugal and the school is closed, the teachers and pupils of the 7th grade, class A of  Escola Secundária Fernando Namora decided to celebrate it a day earlier.
According to tradition, people should go to the fields and pick up wheat ears. This popular tradition comes from very ancient times and it is related to the rites of spring and fertility.

In fact, people don’t collect only wheat ears but a whole bunch of flowers, all with a symbolic meaning. Learn about it:

wheat ear- symbol of fertility and bread;

white daisies – silver;

yellow daisies- gold;

olive tree branch – olive oil and peace;

poppy flower – love and life;

rosemary – health and strength;

vine – wine and joy

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