Thursday, 30 September 2010

Meet Usher Raymond

Do you know Usher Raymond? NO? So, let me present him to you.


Biography data:

- Birth name: Usher Terry Raymond IV

- Nicknames: Big Ush /Big Tyme / Mr. Entertainment

- Mother - Jonnetta Patton: choir director.

- Younger brother: James,

- Birthplace: Chattanooga, Tennessee

- Date of birth: 14 October 1978

- Type of music: R&B

- Debut album: only 14

- First hit single: "You Make Me Wanna"

- Prizes : in 1997 Soul Train Award for Best R&B Single by a Male, for "You Make Me Wanna"

- He also earned a Grammy nomination

- Appearances on programs like "The Oprah Winfrey Show" (1986) and TV show "Moesha" (1996)

P.S.: Find out the missing information from 1996 onwards.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Still the EDL - European Day of Languages

Dear readers,

bearing in mind the activities of Clube Europeu from Escola Secundária Fernando Namora, I would like to share with you the photos from our small exhibition about some countries of the European continent. It was a display of some leaflets, books and all sorts of objects concerning different countries, as well as a picture and text report of last year's school exchange with the German school Edit-Stein Gymnasium. We have also two wonderful movie makers of this exchange, related to the two sides of the coin: their visit in Condeixa and our visit in Bretten. Nevertheless, and due to the excess of information, I'm going to leave these two movie makers to another opportunity. Meanwhile, admire the photos and leave your comment.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Dia Europeu das Línguas (dia 26 de Set.)

This year, I've decided to make a presentation about the European Day of Languages. Together with the class of the 7th year, class D, I've rehearsed two small texts in the Portuguese language about the creation and goals of this day and then we greeted our audience in many different languages, not all of them European, but spoken in the European space by first or second language users.
Due to the lack of time and to the pupils' nervousness, some mistakes were commited, but the bottom line is that they all tried hard and did their best in their debut in a new school with a new but sympathetic audience.
The highlight of their first Project Work in the enlarged community, outside the classroom doors, was to be able to watch themselves on the Youtube!!! Awesome! An experience to repeat in the future with a better preparation, of course!

So: lets look at the "trailer". That's all, folks!

P.S.: Thanks to our camerawoman - teacher Laurentina Soares - that turns 28 today. Happy birthday!

Monday, 20 September 2010

Who am I?

Hello! My name is Diogo Rafael. I’m twelve years old. I’m Portuguese and I have got one sister. Her name is Diana and she is nineteen years old. I have got a dog too and his name is Becas. My school is not big but it is new. After school, I go home and I watch TV, play computer games, read and I do the homework.

Diogo Rafael, N08, 7th D

My name is Inês and I live in Coimbra, Portugal. I’m twelve years old and I was born on the 8th January 1998.

I have got one brother. My parents are divorced now and I have got a stepfather. My brother Afonso is three years old. My school is good and big. My favourite subject is History.

At home, I help my mother and play games with my brother. I also like reading books.

Inês Ribeiro, N0 19, 7th D

Monday, 13 September 2010

European Day of Languages

What is the European Day of Languages?

There are over 6000 languages spoken in the world. And behind each and every one of them lies a rich and diverse culture. That’s what the European Day of Languages (EDL) aims to celebrate - by showing people across Europe how important languages are, and what fun can be had learning them.
26 September is the all important day, although this year schools can choose to celebrate on Friday 24 or Monday 27 September. Set up by the Council of Europe, it was first celebrated in 2001 – and it’s getting bigger every year, now with 45 countries involved.
How can I get involved?
Well, any number of ways, really. We’ve plenty of ideas and resources to help you on your way. But how you celebrate the European Day of Languages is really up to you. It’s just about finding a way to get people (in schools, colleges and the wider community) excited about languages. That might be through competitions, events, parties, food markets, plays, dancing... the list is endless.

How can we help?
At CILT, we love it when people take the initiative and organise an event. So we’ll always be here to advise and support you when we can. Have a look at our suggested activities if you need some ideas, or even at the Council of Europe’s Event Calendar. Don’t forget we’ve also got lots of resources to help you. Order online today or visit the CILT Resouces Library to view the materials and pick up free Council of Europe resources.

If you want to get in touch with EDL team, email us at

We all can celebrate the European Day of Languages, next 26th September with a small project. Watch an example and be creative.


Friday, 10 September 2010

Clube Europeu

Hi Folks!

Today I'm going to talk about the "Clube Europeu" at Escola Secundária Fernando Namora that has been integrated from this year onwards in the Agrupamento de Escolas de Condeixa-a-Nova.

This Club has been founded by the teacher Zélia Pereira who has been retired last year. She was replaced by the teachers Nazaré Monteiro and Victor Nunes and this year I've been invited to join the club, literally.
In the year 2004, I've taken part in a teacher training about Internet and I've built an incipient page at "", using the Programme Frontpage. I must confess that since then I've almost forgotten that webpage. Today I "ressurected" that initial work and I intend to update the page and enrich it with information from 2004 up now (2010). That's a promess!

Meanwhile, enjoy the goals, visits, exchange programmes and photo gallery contemplated in this oldwebpage, soon to become renewed.
Have fun!

Take a look at the 3 schools involved in this school exchange:

Escola Secundária Fernando Namora

Melanchthon Gymnasium Bretten

Edith-Stein-Gymnasium Bretten

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Summer of 69

Lets begin with a song

English Worksheet – Listening/writing activities
A) Listen to the following song for the first time and answer the questions below:

1- What’s the title of the song? ______________________________________________

2- Who is the singer? ______________________________________________________

3- What’s the song about? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B) Listen to the song again and complete the lyrics with the missing words. Note: they are all verbs in the Simple Past. Some are repeated.

C) Listen to the song for a third time and check your answers. Correct them, if it is necessary.

D) Some expressions may cause difficulties in understanding the lyrics. Match the expressions with their definition.

Definition                                                  Expression taken from the song

- electric guitar

- coin (USA/Canada) worth 10 cents

- never have success

- it is not worth

- place, esp. a cinema or restaurant, where one is entertained or served without leaving one’s car

- doing nothing

- unable to be quiet

- relax after a period of work or tension

- covered entrance to a building

E) Tick the right answer, according to the text.
1) The singer is remembering:

a - last summer.

b - his best summer ever.

c – the summer he spent with his girlfriend.

2) He:

a - loved this summer.

b - hated this summer.

c – wished the summer was over soon.

3) In the summer, he:

a – had fun and did nothing.

b – worked and was alone all the time.

c – played the guitar, worked, had a girlfriend and had fun with his friends.

4) Now he is:

a –recalling those days.

b – playing in a professional band.

c – working in a restaurant.

F) Circle the feelings the singer puts into evidence in this song.
sadness  nostalgia  euphoria  anger  tiredness  happiness  boredom

G) Summer and holidays – vocabulary extension. Complete the table below.


seaside    going to the beach      family home          car        beach volleyball

H) Describe your last summer holidays. Use the Simple Past and refer to:

 length of the holidays

 places

 activities

 summer sports

 companionship

 accommodation

 transportation

 the best and the worst

Welcome back to school!

Your English teacher: Ana Paula Amaro

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Guys:I'm back!!!

Hi everybody!
A new schoolyear is just around the corner and everyone is anxious to tell others all the news. Everything we did, everyone we met, everywhere we went...
Generally, the people who wrote the school programmes and the school syllabus are also aware of this and the first topic you see, when you take a look at your syllabus is " Last summer holidays".

Well, I've decided to come forward and start telling you about mine rather than asking you about yours. So, here it is.
1st September 2010

Dear pupils,
I’m writing to tell you about my last summer holidays. They were awesome!
I spent one week in Croatia and I loved it!
Croatia is a European country which borders with Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina. It is bathed by the Adriatic Sea and it is not very far away from Italy.
It is a country of great contrasts with many islands (1182!), warm beaches, beautiful mountains, dazzling castles and breathtaking fields of lavender.

I went there by plane in the company of my son and we stayed at a hotel in Dubrovnik. This old historical city is classified as World Heritage by UNESCO.

We swam in the ocean, made trips by boat, visited interesting islands, took hundreds of photos and bought some souvenirs. What I liked best was a visit to a wine cellar: Croatia is famous by its wines. This visit took place on the return from the Island of Korkula, the birthplace of the famous seafarer Marco Polo.

I also had the time to visit the neighbouring country Montenegro. It is considered as one of the most beautiful countries in the world and with good reason. The mountains are amazing, the bays and shores are like postcards, the water is transparent blue and the small towns seemed to be painted by true artists.

The worst thing about my holidays was that it was ONLY A WEEK! I only wish I had more time there to visit other interesting places.

Anyway, I intend to go back again… and again. I fell in love with this country and made some friends there.

So, this was the most interesting week of my last summer holidays. The rest I save to tell you later, personally. I hope you had so much fun in reading about them as I had in describing them to you.

All the best

Your English teacher

Ana Paula Amaro

P.S.: If you are curious, you can take a look at my picture albuns.

